>We’ve had a lot of family events this year—bridal showers, college graduations, class reunions, birthdays—it seems we’ve been on the road non-stop. We still have the BIG event coming in August—our youngest son’s wedding in California. And maybe a nephew getting married in the fall.
This past Monday, though, I loaded up the PT Cruiser for a family first—our grandson’s graduation from kindergarten. What an event it was! Recitation of Bible verses and songs, demonstrations of reading skills, and the acting out of favorite Bible stories. Our Nash was the little boy who gave his lunch to Jesus. He took his place in front of the microphone and told how Jesus had fed five thousand with the lunch. Then, Nash rolled his blue eyes and looked into the audience before saying his last line—“It was a miracle.” I thought my heart would melt.
All the children disappeared from the stage and marched back in wearing their pint-sized caps and gowns, grinning wildly as they received their diplomas. We like to call it getting their Master’s of Kinder Arts.Cake and punch. A simply wonderful morning that made the six hour trip each way worth every minute. After lunch, I attended an in-school track meet and saw Drake, Nash’s big brother, come in third in the fifty-meter dash.
Sometimes when I think time is flying past at the speed of light, I stop and remember how quickly these kids are sprouting before my eyes. I want to savor each proud moment, each snapshot in time, and carry it inside me. That’s what a Mimi does, and I consider it my great privilege to do so.