Pinterest: The Great Pin-Up

Just when you think there can’t possibly be another social networking site to steal occupy your free hours (and I use this term facetiously), wouldn’t you know? Another one comes along.

I first heard about Pinterest a few months ago when a group of friends were talking about sharing crafts and getting Christmas ideas. It zipped right past me. I haven’t done crafts in several years, and I’m a minimalist when it comes to holiday decorating. However, my sister (thank you, sweetie) sent me an invite around the first of the year, and I ignored it for several weeks. After all, I was on a book deadline and had miles to go before I was finished.

Long story short, during a brain-dead writing moment, I clicked on the invite just to see what it was like.

Oh. My.

It was like crack. One hit and I was hooked. And this is a form of social networking that is actually FUN!!!! Don’t get me wrong. I love interacting on the other sites, meeting up with readers, family, and friends, but Pinterest is different. The visuals are like candy for the senses. Almost at once, I saw this as a great tool for me as a writer, as well as a way of connecting in a way that’s natural, sharing things I love. There’s no pressure for anyone to like the same things I do or for me to pin something just because one of my “friends” did.

The benefits of Pinterest for me as a writer:


  • ~  I’ve set up a number of boards that speak to my passion – all things nostalgic.



  • ~  It’s a great place for keeping favorite quotes and inspiration right at my fingertips.


  • ~  My books have a board, but you won’t find dozens of references to my books or blog posts (Or other people’s blogs).


  • ~  I have idea boards for my work in progress and story sparks for future novels. When I’m unsure how to describe a certain article of clothing, I can make a couple of clicks and refresh my memory.


  • ~  Miscellaneous boards for art, the home, recipes, gardens, places I’ve been or dream of going – again inspiration for a supper idea or future reference.


  • ~  I DO NOT have craft boards or make-up tips. You’re on your own for finding those elsewhere.


A cautionary tale:

  • ~  Just like anything on the internet, Pinterest can be a time waster. For me, ten minutes a day is a fun break.


  • ~  There is a temptation to “pin” everything that captures your eye. I drool or smile over a lot of things that I will never wear or  write a book about. I’m trying to stay focused on my brand and the things I will actually use/cook/buy.


  • ~  The rules say no nudity, but I did quit following someone who constantly put up erotic book covers. The people you un-follow are not notified so there are no hard feelings.


  • ~  It’s a fun place to hang out. I would consider dropping someone who continually promotes their social agenda, books, websites, blogs, etc. Turning everything into a promotion just makes me weary.


  • ~  It does connect to FaceBook (I’m not sure how) but you can choose whether or not you want your Pinterest activity to show up on your FB profile.


You have to be invited to join, but there’s a link to do that and then a couple of days wait for approval. I like that there’s Pin Etiquette – read the rules, then have fun!

Have you tried Pinterest? If you have, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Before I forget, we have a winner for Courtney Walsh’s book A Sweethaven Summer giveaway. Congrats to Laura Cox!! Her comment about her favorite vacation:

My favorite vacation is one we are blessed to take every year together as a family. We spend 3 glorious days on the beach in North Carolina. We live in a house, go out for seafood, and drink in the beauty of the sand, surf and salt air. Amazing!

Hope you enjoy Courtney’s amazing book, Laura. Thanks to everyone who shared their favorite vacation stories!

I’ll be back with a couple new giveaways next week. See you then!