>Today is a special day all around. First of all, thank you to all who serve in our military to keep our world a safer place–Huge wave to my son, Brett, who serves in the US Coast Guard! We are very proud of you! To those who gave their lives for our freedom as well as loved ones who’ve gone on before us, there is nothing we can do to pay our debt of gratitude, but we do remember all of you today–Memorial Day.

Thirty-six years ago today, the most significant event of my adult life took place. Max and I were married in a small-town Lutheran church (which had no air conditioner, and we have never forgotten that bit of trivia!). We thought we knew everything then–all about love and life. Boy, were we naive. God blessed our vows, though, and it has been a wonderful ride, loop-de-loops and all. Max was then, and still is, my best friend. For you honey, thanks. I love you and want to grow old (very old, not just middle-aged old) with you.

We’ve celebrated our anniversary in a variety of ways over the years. Hot dogs and wine for the first one. That was the best we could do since we had moved on that day and didn’t have the energy to go anywhere and couldn’t have found clean clothes anyway. We fared better in other years. Once Max took me to New Orleans, and we enjoyed hanging out on Bourbon Street and going on a moonlight Riverboat ride. I’m so glad we had a couple of great visits to that mesmerizing city before Katrina came along.
Most years, though, we’ve had a dinner in a nice restaurant followed by watching the movie, Fiddler on the Roof, which we saw on our honeymoon. This year, we’re going to splurge and go to the new Indiana Jones movie–after a nice dinner, of course.

The other reason today is special is that it is my youngest sister, Marsha’s birthday. She’s forgiven us (I think) for scheduling our wedding on her special day, but it’s a handy way to remember her birthday. Hope it’s a good one, Sis!

Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!